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Sunflower Crackers

Sunflower Seed Crackers


2 cups sunflower seeds, soaked 4 hours, drained and rinsed
1 cup walnuts, soaked 4 hours, drained and rinsed
½ cup sun dried tomatoes, finely chopped
¼ cup filtered water
3 cups zucchini, chopped
½ cup flax meal
¼ cup hemp seeds
1 teaspoon sea salt


Herbs of your choice


Process walnuts and sunflower seeds in a Super blender, and mix well but not until its turned into a paste Transfer to a bowl
Add zucchini and process then add to bowl
Add flax meal and hemp seeds, sun-dried tomatoes, and water and stir to mix
Add more water to form wet dough
Add salt and pepper and optional herbs of your choice at this stage
Adjust to taste

Pour enough mix to cover one solid sheet and flatten out with a wet spoon, this makes the drying process easier
Continue with each solid sheet until mix is all used up
Dehydrate at 46 degrees 6-8 hours then flip and dehydrate 2-3 hours
Cut into squares and keep in a sealed container in pantry or fridge

Did you know?

Sunflowers are a good source of selenium, an antioxidant that is a known enemy of cancer. Sunflower seeds also contain bone-healthy magnesium and copper.

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Strawberry Bars

Strawberry Bars


¾ cup pitted, soft medjool dates
½ cup mashed banana
¼ cup raw jungle peanut butter or raw almond butter
¼ tsp sea salt
3 tablespoon chia seeds
3 tablespoon hemp seeds
3 tablespoon ground flaxseed
2 cups rolled oats (or gluten free rolled oats)
1 cup dried strawberries


In a Super blender, combine the dates, banana, almond butter and sea salt – blend until smooth
Add the seeds and one cup of the oats and pulse until combined
Transfer to a bowl and stir in the remaining cup of oats, and the strawberries
Spread the mixture out on a lined dehydrator tray, about 2 cm thick, in a square
Dehydrate for 4 hours, then cut into 6 bars, separate a little and continue to dehydrate for 4 more hours until not sticky and firm, but still a little soft in the middle
Store in a refrigerator

Did you know?

Strawberries are the only fruit that have their seeds on the outside. The heart shape of a strawberry gives you an indication of one of the body parts it benefits the most. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamins C and K as well as providing a good dose of fibre, folic acid, manganese and potassium. The vibrant red colour of strawberries contains powerful antioxidants and are thought to protect against inflammation, cancer and heart disease.

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Cream Cheeze Spread with Crackers

Cream Cheeze Spread with Crackers


2 cups cashews (soaked overnight, rinsed and drained)
¼ to ½ cup water
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 small clove garlic
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
5 tablespoons chopped chives
Salt to taste

2 cups almonds (soaked overnight, rinsed and drained)
1 cup roughly chopped broccoli
3 carrots, roughly chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
½ cup ground light flax seed
1 cup water
¼ cup soy sauce
½ teaspoon Himalayan salt
½ teaspoon freshly ground pepper


Place all ingredients except chives in Super Blender and blend on high until smooth
Pulse almonds, broccoli and carrots in your blender until you get a rough meal texture
Transfer to bowl, stir in onion and ground flax seed
In a separate bowl stir together water and soy sauce
Stir into the veggie mixture and let rest 10 minutes before rolling out
Roll out to 1 cm thick on your Kuto non-stick sheet or Ezidri Ultra dehydrator solid sheet
Dehydrate at 62°C for 1 hour
Reduce heat to 46°C and dehydrate for 8-12 more hours
Store in air-tight containers and enjoy within 2-3 weeks

Did you know?

Cashew nuts have a very low fat content which is very good for the heart, cholesterol levels and weight-loss. The calcium and magnesium content will keep your bones and teeth strong and healthy. Garlic, which is closely related to onions, leeks and shallots, is normally added to food to enhance the flavour and aroma but did you know that at its most basic garlic is medicine in nature. Just one clove of garlic has the following components, Vitamin C, B6, manganese selenium and fibre. It also contains calcium iron and potassium which help strengthen the bones in the body. It is known to be very effective for the common cold and flu’s as it helps boost the immune system to get rid of the accumulated toxins. It is also known to help lower blood pressure, cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. The antioxidants contained in garlic will help the kidneys in detoxing the body from chemicals and other toxins that accumulate over time.

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Almond Crackers

Almond Crackers


½ cup ground golden flax

1 cup water

3 cups almond nuts (soaked overnight, rinsed and drained)

2 tablespoons rosemary, chopped fine

Himalayan Salt and fresh ground pepper to taste


Stir ground flax in water and set aside for ½ hour to soften

Place wet, drained almonds in a Super Blender and process until very fine

Transfer almonds to bowl, stir in flax mixture, rosemary, salt and pepper

Spread thin on a non-stick / solid sheet and roll out with a rolling pin

Cut into rectangles

Dehydrate at 62 degrees for 45 minutes then decrease to 45 degrees and continue to dehydrate until crisp – approximately 8 hours

Did you know?

Almonds are rich in fibre, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and potassium. With these nutritional benefits, almonds aid with constipation, respiratory disorders, coughs, heart disorders, anaemia and diabetes. They also help in the maintenance of healthy hair, skin and dental care.

Flax seeds are known to be a great source of soluble and insoluble fibre. It is also a source of essential Omega 3 oils which are good for the heart. Flax seed also contain a compound called lignans which is a source of antioxidants (cancer fighting properties) and plant-based estrogen.

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Pumpkin Apple Fruit Roll

Pumpkin Apple Fruit Roll


2 cups pumpkin purée
1 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
6 soft pitted dates


Blend all the ingredients in a Super Blender until smooth.
On solid sheets, divide the mixture and spread out evenly with a spatula or spoon.
Put sheets in your Dehydrator and dehydrate for about 7-8 hours.
Allow to cool before cutting with a knife or pizza cutter (be careful not to cut through the solid sheet).
Store in an airtight container.

Did you know?

Pumpkins are rich in Vitamin A which helps maintain good eyesight and healthy skin, teeth and bones. Pumpkin seeds are a great snack that is rich in the amino acid tryptophan, this amino acid is important in the production of serotonin, one of the major players when it comes to our mood.
Nature’s very own tooth brush, apples stimulate the production of saliva, reducing the bacteria in the mouth while reducing tooth decay. Apples are rich in soluble fibre stabilising sugar levels, reducing mood swings and lowering cholesterol levels.
Dates are natures candy. These delicious treats are filled with iron, potassium, sodium, protein and vitamins. They are low in cholesterol and do not contain excessive amounts of fat. The combination of these nutrients are good for the heart, aid in weight-loss, provide energy and reduce the risks of strokes.

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Zucchini Crackers

Zucchini Crackers


2½ cups walnuts
2½ cups peeled cubed zucchini
½ cup ground golden flax seed
¼ cup hemp or sesame seed
2 teaspoons Himalayan salt (less if using fine Celtic sea salt)


In a Super blender, grind the walnuts into crumbs
Transfer contents to a bowl
Grind the zucchini into small bits. (Do NOT process into a puree! Keep texture)
Add zucchini to the walnuts. Stir in the flax, hemp, salt, and water (½-¾ cup)
Add enough water to create a thick, spreadable mixture
Spread evenly on solid sheets
Dehydrate at 65 degrees celsius for 3 hours
Turn the temperature to 46 degrees celsius and continue dehydrating for 8-12 hours
Store in an airtight container

Did you know?

Zucchini, or alternatively known as baby marrow, resemble cucumbers in appearance. They are rich in vitamin C which helps fight off disease caused by free radicals. They are also known to lower cholesterol, help maintain weight management and the magnesium in the zucchini reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Flax seeds are know to be a great source of soluble and insoluble fibre. It is also a source of essential Omega 3 oils which are good for the heart. Flax seed also contain a compound called lignans which is a source of antioxidants (cancer fighting properties) and plant-based estrogen.