Camping Stores

For Stress free camping food and simple snack making look no further!

The outdoors is best enjoyed with the right equipment. The lighter it is, the better for you! You no longer need to compromise on the quality of food that you enjoy while out and about. Offer your client the possibility to carry their indoor comforts outdoors such as soups that reconstitute to the same consistency and textures, fruit rolls, muesli and so much more with our range of dehydrators!

  • Dehydrated foods weigh less than half its original weight. It is easy to carry and move around.
  • Can make numerous  trays of dehydrated foods in one go. Dehydrated food, only loses moisture; all nutrients and vitamins are retained.
  • Dehydrated food can last for the duration of every outing (even longer) when kept in a cool dry place.

What’s not to love?

The possibilities with the a dehydrator are endless!